Mark Devries lives near Penticton, BC with his beautiful wife, Sarika and two children. Their joy is to share Father God’s amazing love with everyone they encounter, especially the homeless and struggling. They are excited to see Jesus made famous in the Okanagan Valley.

Mark grew up knowing about God, but always longing to actually experience Him. That opportunity came at the age of 20 when he was invited to work with a missions team in Tijuana, Mexico, and he saw the power of God saving, healing, and setting people free in miraculous ways. Mark went on from there to experience personal deliverance, freedom and cleansing from past hurts, revelations of God’s fatherly love, and the delight of hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice within.
Mark has served as a worship leader and speaker for over ten years at several churches, and as a children’s pastor for seven years. He has continued to provide both spiritual and practical support and guidance in a number of roles in the local church, while working full-time as a senior software developer and raising a family.
Recently, God made it clear to Mark and Sarika that it was time for Mark to enter fully into his life’s calling. He now is engaged in providing spiritual and practical care for the needy and suffering in his city.
Mark and Sarika are passionate about seeing others experience the love and closeness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the sound of His gentle voice calling them into freedom. Their greatest joy is to witness God’s power setting the prisoners free!
Credit and Debit Cards
Cheques payable to Release Ministries can be mailed to this address:
Rev. Mark and Sarika Devries
c/o Jean Paul Booyens Chartered Professional Accountant
50-45615 Tamihi Way
Chilliwack, BC
V2R 0X4
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- Send your transfer to this email* address:
- Remember to write this in the Note field: “This donation is for Mark and Sarika Devries”
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Tax Receipts:
After the end of each calendar year, Canadian tax receipts will be issued for all qualified donations received from Canadian sources.