Paul DeGagné is a retired teacher exercising spiritual gifting within local and international churches. He most often ministers in small groups and in one on one personal sessions for the building and edification of the Body of Christ. His experience working with peoples of various countries, languages, and cultures and the prophetic anointing of the Holy Spirit has given him a greater understanding and insight into the supernatural realities within the Kingdom of God. His goal in life is to impart the resurrection power of the risen Christ and to encourage congregations and individuals to experience victory and freedom as expressed in Galatians 5:1.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not be encumbered once more by a yoke of slavery.”
Cheques payable to Release Ministries can be mailed to this address:
Rev. Paul DeGagné
50-45615 Tamihi Way
Chilliwack, BC
V2R 0X4
eTransfers is a Canadian system to send money between banks by email. Here’s how to use this to send your donation:
- Send your eTransfer to this email* address: donate@releaseministries.ca
- Remember to write this in the Note field: “This donation is for Paul DeGagné”
*This email address is not monitored so do not use it to send messages.
Tax Receipts:
After the end of each calendar year, Canadian tax receipts will be issued for all qualified donations received from Canadian sources.
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