Joel, the youngest son in a family of six siblings, grew up in a Hindu household before his remarkable conversion to Christianity. His loving parents and siblings tried their best to help him out of the cycle of addiction he found himself in during his early adulthood. Joel’s life took a turn for the better when he met his wife, Ruth, during his time at Teen Challenge. The couple has two sons, Joshua and Josiah, and a daughter-in-law, Hannah, who are all actively involved in worship ministry. The family is also accompanied by their loyal German Shepherd, Judah.

The vision of Joel’s ministry is anchored in delivering healing and deliverance to individuals battling addiction and life-controlling issues. This mission stems from his own experience of redemption from the throes of drug addiction and despair. He and his wife Ruth envision a world where individuals are set free through the power of Jesus, leading to healthier, restored relationships with God. Joel’s heart is set on global evangelism, with an unquenchable desire for souls to be saved around the world, driving his work both locally and internationally. Joel is a revivalist at heart. He burns with an evangelistic passion to see people reached with the Gospel. To the Church, he presents a prophetic challenge of consecration, commitment, and action.

Joel Shunmugam’s ministry and teachings cover a broad spectrum of topics, with a particular emphasis on deliverance from addiction, healing, and global evangelism. He is a powerful advocate for individuals struggling with addiction, utilizing his personal experiences and spiritual transformation to inspire and guide others towards freedom.Furthermore, his ministry challenges the church to commit, consecrate, and act,contributing to a greater impact for God’s Kingdom. In addition, Joel is an accomplished author, having written “From a Scum to a Son”, which provides an in-depth exploration of his personal journey from addiction to salvation.

Buy your copy of From a Scum to a Son on Amazon
Please make cheques payable to Release Ministries Society and mail them to:
Joel and Ruth Shunmugam
19455 65 Ave., Unit 64,
Surrey, BC V4N 0Z1
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- Send your eTransfer to this email* address: donate@releaseministries.ca
- Remember to write this in the Note field: “This donation is for Joel Shunmugam”
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After the end of each calendar year, Canadian tax receipts will be issued for all qualified donations received from Canadian sources.