The Constitution Act of 1982 says Canada is ‘founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God’. One of those principles is the ‘advancement of religion’ in the true sense of that Word. We are blessed to live in this country!
Here the Kingdom of God is not only tolerated and permitted, but encouraged to ‘advance’ until every area of society is transformed. Then the ‘nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land sparkling with happiness. These are the promises of the Lord’ (Mal 3:12 LB).
This is in sharp contrast to the idea of some that when they leave church Sunday morning, they leave God behind stained glass windows where so-called ministers mumble and mutter vague nothings in their musty sanctums. God has always been involved with the nations! In world affairs, in our legislative process, our education, our business communities, our homes and our personal daily lives.
There may be something to be said for the institutional separation of Church and state, in the same way the legal system functions free of influence or interference by any government. But there is nothing to be said for the separation of God and state!
God has two arms of authority that reach down into every nation, namely, civil and spiritual or Church and state. Both are Divine institutions and both, are separately accountable to God. The historic reality is that God called Moses, sent him straight to the political power centre of the nation, and Egypt was very quickly called to account.
If Moses represents God’s people, then we have a biblical mandate to speak freely into the political process that governs the nations, and to tell them the truth. The Lord said ‘Tell the truth, the whole truth, when you speak’ (Zec 8:16 Msg) . How they respond and what they do with it is their decision, for which they will give account directly to God – either now or then.
The dynamic relationship between Church and state has not always been happy and at times, there has been a certain, ongoing tension. However, the prophet pointing to Christ said ‘place one crown on the head of the … high priest. Then he’ll assume the role of royalty and take his place on the throne – a priest sitting on the throne! – showing that king and priest can coexist in harmony’ (Zec 5:12-14 Msg).
This vision of hope and harmony between Church and state will be realized as the Kingdom of God continues to come at every level, and Christ is allowed to use both His arms of authority to govern the nations.