Lionel Batke was born and raised the son of a leading Full Gospel Pastor in Western Canada. He was trained in ministry and music as a youth. When he sings, his strong baritone voice can fill the largest auditorium. The Full Gospel Bible Institute, Eston, Saskatchewan provided further training and graduation in 1963.
In 1965 he was ordained into the ministry and during the early years served as pastor of churches in Saskatchewan and British Columbia. He and Virginia, his wife of over 50 years, live in Langley, a suburb of Vancouver. They have three children who in turn, are teaching all nine grandchildren to know the Lord and become a ‘godly seed’ in the earth.
As a father, Lionel desires to raise up competent and effective ministry that will serve the next generation by the will of God. To this end he travels internationally with the burden of a teaching and prophetic ministry, ‘equipping saints’ and leaders to fulfill their personal purpose and call in God.
Real hunger and thirst for the fresh water of life forced his spiritual roots down deeply into Ireland during the latter days of Charismatic Renewal among Roman Catholics. This opened up his life and ministry to the whole Church and the whole world. The message of the Holy Spirit further prepared him to contend for the power of God and released him with prophetic input to 35 nations around the world.
Lionel first went to Japan as part of Team Thrust Ministries and the interdenominational Holy Spirit Seminars of 1971, 1972 and 1975. He has since traveled in ministry often to remote places in South Africa, Rhodesia, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Ireland, England, Holland, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Croatia, Australia, Singapore, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, the Philippines and Canadian High Arctic.

2013 Europe – 2013 Japan, China – 2013 Mexico – 2014 Japan – 2015 Sri, Ind, Ireland – 2015-16 Pol, Rom, Mac, Isr – 2016 Arctic – 2017 Japan – 2018 Haida Gwaii – 2018 Ukraine, Ireland – 2019 Ukraine, Slovakia and Ireland – May 2020, A Time To Heal – July 2020, Real Credentials – Sept. 2020, Up and Away – Nov. 2020, Lockdown – Sep. 2021 – The Balkans and Ireland
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Make cheques payable to: Release Ministries Society
Rev Lionel Batke
77, 21138 – 88th Avenue
Langley, BC
V1M 2G7
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- Send your eTransfer to this email* address: donate@releaseministries.ca
- Remember to write this in the Note field: “This donation is for Lionel Batke”
*This email address is not monitored so do not use it to send messages.
Tax Receipts:
After the end of each calendar year, Canadian tax receipts will be issued for all qualified donations received from Canadian sources.
Cell: 778-985-7301